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If you want to look and feel your best, you need to understand that hurriedness is the arch nemesis of a healthy glow. Your beauty and wellness routine shouldn’t be just another thing to cram in each morning. It loses its allure and becomes a chore! That’s the exact opposite of what a self-care routine should be. Instead, adopt more slow beauty rituals.

Slow beauty combines the ambition to care for your appearance with the necessity to slow down and enjoy life. While it may seem impossible, hear me out! Slow beauty (authentic beauty) is totally within your reach.

What Is Slow Beauty? 

Slow beauty is not bombarding yourself with countless products and hacks to acquire some artificial, mega-marketed aesthetic. Rather, slow beauty harnesses the attraction of a healthy body, mind, and spirit. 

When you free yourself from societal standards and outward pressures to “look the part,” you become truly beautiful on the outside and enhance your inner beauty. 

Great! So, what am I talking about? Some slow beauty rituals include things like:

  • Rest
  • Natural oils
  • Warm and cold compresses
  • Bathtub soaks
  • Long walks
  • Stretches 

But not all at once, and not just because I said so. 

Just think… healthy, holistic, and slow. Your outward upkeep regimen should be as purposeful as the rest of your slow lifestyle. Picture your current beauty routine and ask yourself, “does this fit in with a slow year?” 

If you’re still shopping for beauty products in magazines or targeted marketing ads online—and giving in to lofty prices and chemicals—you can definitely do better!

Shel Pink’s book, Slow Beauty: Rituals and Recipes to Nourish the Body and Feed the Soul, is chock full of awesome recipes for muddled waters and seasonal mists. I’ve been trying out her recipes lately and am so excited to incorporate them into my own rituals. Shel’s book is a key slow beauty resource for anyone who’s just realizing that slow is the way to go!

What Are the Major Aspects of Slow Beauty? 

To better understand slow beauty, it helps to break it down into categories of wellness. Turns out there are many differences between mainstream, marketed beauty regimens and slow beauty ones. But they can be difficult to discern, even if you’ve known about slow beauty for a long time now.

Luckily, I’ve got you covered. I used to be drawn to meet societal expectations, and I tried all the gimmicky products before realizing the error in my ways. Now, I incorporate slow self-care into my everyday life, so I have some things figured out! 

Let me share them with you… Here are the six main qualifiers of slow beauty.

Mindfulness & Slowing Down

First and foremost, slow beauty strategies won’t work well unless you’re invested in a completely slow lifestyle. I mean, think about it: how effective will your under-eye sleep pads really be if you only sleep four hours a night? And what good is an exfoliating scrub if you’re so rushed that you forget to rinse in the shower?

Just as living a slow lifestyle means purposely enjoying each part of your day (maintaining boundaries and preserving moments for self-love), a slow beauty routine should be intentional and enjoyable.

For example, I carve out ten minutes at the end of each day to massage lotion on each part of my body. I use that time to bring awareness to every finger and toe, and lovingly address all of the nooks and crannies of myself. A rushed application of “any brand” lotion or body butter just doesn’t compare to a mindfully slow act, right?

Related: 10 Easy Steps to Create Your Perfect Slow Morning Routine


Living slowly means having the time to research—read the labels—of all your beauty supplies. I used to charge the aisles of my local pharmacy and grab whatever products caught my eye! There was no time (and no intention) to read about what I was actually putting on my skin. 

I’d usually shop for makeup and skincare items alongside groceries or literally on my way to an event. Nothing says “she’s in a hurry” quite like tearing open a grocery store bronzer and applying it on mass transit. 

You have to slow down when you shop! Remember, the best items for your body and skin are also good for the planet. Do some research and actually digest the information on each package to be sure which options are the right choices for you.

When in doubt, look things up online. You can easily type “sustainable beauty products” right into your search bar for a starting lineup of product suggestions. Just take your time and enjoy the process! Trust me, it feels great to pamper yourself and take care of mother earth in the process.

Health & Well-Being

A focus on health and wellness may be the most important and effective slow beauty ritual there is. That’s because your appearance is a byproduct of your overall well-being. Prioritize your insides first (body and mind!) and your outsides will fall in line—a window to how lovely you are on the inside.

Of course, you need to practice slow lifestyle habits to ensure you’re getting adequate rest, nutrients, vitamins, and exercise… just for starters. And when all of your health boxes are checked, you glow!

I used to grapple with dark circles under my eyes, searching high and low for the best cover-up. Some products were too cakey, others too translucent. Do you know what ended up being the best solution in the books? More sleep.

By moving my bedtime up an hour, reducing screen time, and establishing a healthy sleep ritual, my under-eye circles disappeared. More importantly, I feel better, so I’m not even sure I’d be as irritated by my raccoon eyes with my current state of mind. (Mindset is everything.)


Slow beauty is about caring for yourself, not trying to impress other people or experiment to meet societal standards. It’s all about you. While it may be hard to genuinely adjust your mindset around self-care and self-love, it’s necessary for a successfully slow life.

Years ago, I’d fawn over the latest and greatest beauty tips. I’d spend oodles of money on products I didn’t need because everyone else told me I did. And I fixed up my face, hair, and body just for others to look at me. In hindsight, I don’t know how I managed to get through those dark, confusing times.

Now, I view my slow beauty rituals as “me time.” What I do, which products I use, when, and why are all up to me! It’s super empowering. And I feel better now than I ever did playing “follow the leader” with lipstick and mascara.

If you’re not sure how to grow your beauty rituals into routines for self-care, you’re not alone. It takes practice! The good news is you’re definitely in the right place to get started in the right direction.

Feminism & Sense of Self

Unfortunately, toxic images flood most media platforms and marketing advertisements. Society has reached a point where, as a whole, we don’t know what real beauty is anymore. Most publicly circulated pictures of beautiful humans are overly sexualized (or else scrutinized).

But true beauty shines from within. 

Taking on a slow beauty mentality means rejecting traditional standards in favor of your own realistic expectations (mostly surrounding your health and happiness). 

You need to discover your own sense of femininity by exploring how different products and rituals make you feel. In the end, you shouldn’t expect to look like your neighbor or your office gal pal. You’ll be your own unique human—with your head on straight and ready to take on the world!

Connection with Nature 

First, consider life without nature. (Some days are like that: trapped inside by “moving pictures” and artificial light.)

Many people don’t fully understand or appreciate the negative impact screens have on our health and appearance. Of course, screen interaction is a requirement for the vast majority of us every day. But it messes with our hormones, causes feelings of anxiety and depression, makes it harder to fall asleep at night, and even causes musculoskeletal issues. 

The antidote? Spend more time outside! Nature:

  • Reduces stress hormones
  • Relieves aches and pains
  • Boosts energy
  • Helps us sleep
  • Gives us more vitamin D (and that healthy glow)

The products we use should also have some connection to nature, leveraging natural ingredients and eco-friendly practices. An all-around respect for nature goes a long way for your health and appearance.

I make my time in nature as fun and meaningful as possible. But that doesn’t mean I force playtime or vigorous exercise on myself just to get out the door. Sometimes I head outside to meditate, go for a slow walk, or read a book. Every minute counts (even if the weather isn’t your favorite)!

How to Build a Better Beauty Mindset with Slow Beauty Rituals

Ready to transform your beauty routine? It all starts with a better, slower mindset. Try out these fantastic slow beauty rituals to look and feel your very best.

Turn Your Bathroom Into a Home Spa 

When I began my own slow beauty journey, I transformed my hurry-and-wash shower into a luxurious spa. All it took was a candle, some meditation music on a small speaker, some burning sage, and hot water. 

A few drops of essential oil in a small bowl inside the shower took the experience to a whole new level! It helped me relax and literally washed away the stress from the day. 

If you prefer the tub, an essential oil bowl on the bathroom floor or edge of the tub works just as well. The point is to see the space you’re in differently. Focus on the possibilities! The bathroom doesn’t have to be a messy room you blow through every morning on the way out to someplace better. In fact, it can become your new happy place to practice slow beauty.

Have a Cup of Rooibos Tea Before Bed 

Rooibos tea is loaded with good stuff to help you stay healthy and vibrant. It comes from Africa, takes on a reddish hue, and is otherwise unique because of its chemical makeup and antioxidant properties. Some would say it’s like beautiful skin in a cup!

I enjoy some every night just before bed. The taste and calming scent help me feel relaxed and peaceful as I get ready to sleep. After using it for a while, I noticed an improvement in my skin, as well!

The only way to know if you’ll get the same experience is to try it out for yourself! It checks all the boxes: good for you and good for the planet. The only remaining test (and the most important) is whether or not you enjoy it as part of your own slow beauty lifestyle.

Do Your Nighttime Stretches 

How often do you treat yourself to a nighttime stretch? Odds are, not often enough! Too frequently, people close out their days on their cell phones and don’t think twice about the strain their bodies have been through since sunrise. Really, a good stretch is the least you can do!

I recommend you start stretching every night. I do it on the floor next to my bed (you don’t need a ton of room) with the lights dimmed. Move your body any way that feels comfortable to you. (And for goodness sakes, put the phone away while you’re doing it!) Listen to your body and address every part that aches before you climb into bed.

Stretching promotes blood circulation, reduces muscle tension, and boosts relaxation before bedtime. In the morning, you’re sure to look better rested, happier, and (yes!) more beautiful.

Related: 12 Slow Movement Ideas to Add Easy Exercise into Your Day

Add Self-Massage to Your Slow Beauty Routine 

I never realized what a missed opportunity my lotioning ritual was until I tried a personal massage. Why coat yourself in goop when you could be loving on the muscles in each and every part of your body? 

Coconut butter is my favorite for self-massage. Some people use oil, but I find it clogs my pores and does more harm than good. (Breakouts don’t exactly scream “slow beauty” in my opinion!) Experiment with a few bases and fragrances to figure out what works for you. Someone with drier skin may experience better results with oil.

Remember to use lotioning products that are earth-friendly. Unfortunately, the shelves are stocked with cheaply-made, gimmicky solutions that just won’t fit the bill. A little research can help you overcome that!

Otherwise, there’s no wrong way to go about it: just dive in, kneading and caressing your sorest muscles. It will help you sleep better and keep you ahead of musculoskeletal issues. Ten minutes before bed will do the trick.

Make Time for Daily Skincare

I take my time washing my skin, applying products, and gently massaging my face. Indie Lee makes great products! They are clean, nice to touch, and smell awesome. The brightening cleanser has strawberry seed oil in it—almost good enough to eat!

But I get it… it feels like you don’t have the time, especially in the morning before work and other obligations. Just remember, living a slow lifestyle is about making the time. You need to revamp your existing schedule to allow for enough minutes to enjoy skincare.

Assign a hard start and stop time to work each day. Get to bed earlier so you can wake up with enough time to truly shine! And quit just slapping on layer after layer of products and actually take the necessary amount of time to massage, enhance circulation, and allow things to dry as instructed for the results you deserve.

Bring Your Slow Beauty Outside with Nature Bathing 

You don’t need to get wet to bathe in nature! Nature bathing means going for a leisurely walk and soaking in (get it?) the peacefulness of your surroundings. The wilder the backdrop (think trees, plants, gardens), the better the results.

I’m fortunate enough to be able to nature bathe year-round! I grew up in Australia and now live in Miami Beach, Florida. The sun’s almost always smiling wherever I am. But even when I lived in Chicago for six years (not so sunny), I made it a point to walk outside daily. (Nature misses me when I’m not there.)

The early morning fresh air is my favorite to take in. And barefoot walks on the beach definitely get my vote! But you have to discover what sort of outdoor time works best among your other slow beauty rituals. Maybe you’ll enjoy a slow evening or nighttime stroll. 

Nature reduces stress, which places a key role in the effectiveness of any beauty regiment. Whether you roam your backyard, local parks, or nearby neighborhoods, be sure to move at a relaxed pace and tune into the earth around you.

Take Weekly Trips to Your Favorite Local Spa 

The best piece of advice I ever received was from my best friends’ Mum. When we were kids, she used to hire a personal trainer several times a week. I remember thinking, “how frivolous!” I asked her one day, “why do you spend money on that when you could just walk?” 

She said, “because there’s no greater investment than the one you make in yourself.” 

Now, I invest in myself every single day. I even have a membership at the spa down the street from my house! I go twice (sometimes three times) a week to use the steam, sauna, ice chamber, and cold plunge. And I have no regrets!

If the spa’s not your thing, schedule monthly massages instead! That was my pampering of choice before I discovered the spa. 

No matter your preference, the point is to schedule regular, healthful “treats” for yourself to bring out your inner beauty. Your body responds to thoughtful, relaxed moves. And a peaceful mind shows in everything you do—no matter what brand of makeup you’re wearing.

Boost Your Energy with Cold Showers 

Imagine it’s 3 o’clock in the afternoon and you’ve just hit the energy brick wall. (We all know what that feels like.) Instead of turning to caffeine or surrendering to a nap in the middle of your team meeting, spritz some cold water on your face for an instant energy boost.

Granted, a full-on cold shower works even better. But desperate times call for a spray bottle! 

Cold water might not be the most comfortable on your skin, but it works like conditioning. The more frequently you expose yourself to cold temperatures, the more resistant you are to them. As a result, your body will be better equipped to deal with all types of stressors.

What’s more, your circulatory system seriously benefits from cold water exposure. When you’re submerged in the cold, your body works overtime to warm you up again. And your skin loves healthy blood circulation!

Get Creative in the Kitchen (Slow Beauty Starts Inside!)

Getting creative in the kitchen is one of my favorite things to do. I harness slow beauty by playing around with different plant powders to make drinks, smoothies, and anything else I can imagine. 

For example, my favorite drink lately is made with rose powder, which is great for your skin and invites a state of calm. Add a dash of cardamom and a splash of coconut milk, and you’ve got yourself a beverage that wows! 

How does a good smoothie recipe contribute to slow beauty? Aside from the obvious relaxation component, cooking and eating well actually helps your skin regenerate day after day. Turns out, skin needs a host of vitamins and nutrients from food to stay at its best.

So a beautiful plate or smoothie glass (with lots of fruits and veggies) equals a beautiful, healthy outward appearance, long-term.

Face it! Fast, mass-produced items just aren’t the solution to outward attractiveness or true inner wellness. But slow beauty practices can help you prioritize healthier living and feeling your best all over. 

If you pay attention to ingredients, earth-friendliness, and your daily habits to become your “best self,” you’ll not only feel more beautiful, but happier and more fulfilled, too. The connection between your inner health and outward appearance is stronger than you think!

So, shift your mindset. Focus on your insides first to achieve those drop-dead gorgeous vibes you’ve been searching for.

What is Slow Beauty? 9 Ways to Have a Better Beauty Mindset | The Slow Year
What is Slow Beauty? 9 Ways to Have a Better Beauty Mindset | The Slow Year