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Welcome! I’m Candis.

And I’m many things. I’m a coach, a teacher, a storyteller, a host, a home cook, a wife, a community leader and a reformed workaholic!

In the spring of 2021 I simply decided that I no longer wanted to be “busy”. I wasn’t interested in continuing to sacrifice my health for the hustle, documenting my every move in the name of “authentic marketing”, or rushing through my daily rituals just to get back to my laptop.

And so, THE SLOW YEAR was born. A year of deep focus and intention, of deepening friendships and reconnecting with the land. A year of trusting the wisdom of my body and nourishing it in accordance with my intuition. 

A year to remember my roots… And the playful Aussie kid who used to spend her weekends eating macadamia nuts straight from the tree, collecting mulberries from the bush in the backyard and frolicking in the creek by the house. 

Want a guide on your journey to slow? Get in touch with me here.