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Although it’s not unusual for life to feel out of your control, it certainly doesn’t have to be your norm. Maybe you wake up most days to an alarm clock and immediately start hustling before your feet have even hit the floor. But always being in a rush can take a serious toll! It’s time to revamp your routine and usher in healthier habits. The best daily habits combat that constant stress and hustle.

No matter who else relies on you from day to day, you should be your number one priority. That’s why it’s incredibly important to establish intentional, healthy habits for yourself!

Why Is It So Important To Learn and Implement The Best Daily Habits? 

Constantly chasing deadlines and overwhelming yourself with appointments and obligations is not sustainable! The best daily habits are intentional and built around your needs and desires—not someone else’s. Let’s look at three reasons to take on better habits every day.

They Help You Maintain Good Mental Health 

The best daily habits help cultivate energy and build your spirit. So if you’re ever feeling subpar, worn down, or spread thin, it’s a sure sign that you need to make some changes to your daily routine. Too often, you can feel overwhelmed and not even know what’s overwhelming you! Spending a few minutes identifying your greatest sources of stress will help you prepare for the changes that you need to make.

For example, even if you love your business and have a wonderful home life, you may be able to identify an imbalance between the two that causes you stress. Maybe you rationalize that imbalance, saying things like, “fifteen more minutes late to date night because I’m working on my business isn’t so bad.” But if you actually want to be there on time, those fifteen minutes will eat away at you.

Sometimes making small compromises (or rethinking decisions that are no longer working out) will help tip the scale in favor of your mental health. You can take back control of your day by prioritizing the things that are most important to you! Exercise, relationships, hobbies, journaling, and downtime are all key components to healthier living. 

It may seem challenging to make it all fit, but you can do it. After all, when you boost your mental health, you give yourself the ability to think more clearly about your daily obligations. 

Think of instilling the best daily habits into your routine as filling your fuel tank for the things you need to do. Running on empty will get you nowhere and have you sputtering out in seconds…but a full tank will carry you through the day and help you power through!

Related: 10 Easy Steps to Create Your Perfect Slow Morning Routine

They Improve Self-Discipline and Focus

While stress causes brain fog that disrupts your focus and drains your energy, incorporating a few of the best daily habits can help you concentrate better. It may seem counterintuitive to try and fit more things into your day (when you’re already feeling short on time), but you actually gain time through efficiency. 

Before incorporating strategic daily habits into my routine, I always felt like I was drowning in things to do. The mindset of “If I get everything else done, then I can have time for myself” just wasn’t working. Instead, blocking out breaks and insisting on healthy rituals has given me more energy and motivation to get things done.

Picture how much more energy you’d have every day after spending some time outside, sitting and enjoying your cup of coffee, or simply allowing yourself ten minutes to read a book. Odds are, you’ll be singing in the shower after making a few small investments in yourself.

The first time you rearrange your day to fit in “you” time might feel awkward. But consistency is key! The best daily habits can only form if you commit to them long-term. 

Before you know it, the intentionally good parts of your day will unfold naturally. You won’t have to bend over backward to make them happen time and time again.

The Best Daily Habits Help You Define What’s Most Important to You and Grow Your Confidence

In the face of stress and constant overwhelm, it’s almost impossible to describe what’s important to you. You’re liable to confuse your own interests with work or family values (since you’re so used to putting those things first!). But practicing the best daily habits gives you the opportunity to discover your own likes and dislikes.

I never knew what to say when people asked, “what’s your favorite breakfast food?” (This was especially awkward at restaurants trying to place my order!) I never made myself breakfast or took my time eating it, so I couldn’t be sure what my absolute favorite morning meal was. Once I started actively focusing on breakfast, I realized how much I enjoy avocado toast and protein overnight oats.

The same phenomenon applies to other daily habits! Let’s say you start exercising every day, for example. At first, you might think that you like to walk, until the day you break into a run. Or you might think you like cycling until you give pilates a try. Or in my case, I thought I hated weight lifting, until the day I tried it!

Consider books, music, and mindfulness practices—you may start out with one genre or strategy until you discover something you love more. Making room for your best daily habits makes room for self-discovery! You’re sure to feel more fulfilled when you’re able to articulate (with certainty) and actually practice the things that bring you joy outside of mandatory tasks.

10 Best Daily Habits to Help You Live More Intentionally 

Are you ready to know the best daily habits for your routine? Adding even one of these empowering rituals to your day (although I highly recommend trying them all) can help you gain greater control of your life. 

Unlock true happiness and contentment by intentionally incorporating these better habits into your everyday routine.

Focus on One Task at a Time 

You might be used to thinking of multiple things at once. Some overachievers even multitask on purpose in an effort to save time! But true balance and peace of mind come when you think about one thing at a time—emphasizing the importance of each.

Have you ever worn your t-shirt inside out by mistake because you were so distracted while getting dressed in the morning? My entire morning routine used to be checking emails, catching up on texts and phone calls, and scrolling social media to make sure I didn’t miss anything overnight. I never really focused on (or enjoyed) dressing for the day.

It took a many bad hair days and one embarrassing hole-y shoe saga to convince me that something needed to change (and not just my footwear). By focusing on one task at a time, I’m now able to get everything done in a way that feels nourishing and not depleting.

Believe it or not, it doesn’t need to take 30 minutes to get dressed. It shouldn’t take ten minutes to write a simple email or take 45 minutes to finish that conversation with your mum on the phone! But things take longer (and are often done sloppily) when they don’t have your full attention.

One at a time for the win!

Spend 10 Minutes Each Day Cleaning and Decluttering 

I used to allow messes to pile up throughout the week because I was so preoccupied with other things! By the time Sunday rolled around, I’d be elbow-deep in dirty laundy. Cleaning during the week felt like it wasn’t an option for me.

Turns out, cleaning and tidying a little bit each day is much more efficient than ignoring the endless build-up. I even have a reminder now to turn on the dishwasher every night at 9pm just to make sure I don’t have dishes sitting around. 

The best daily habits are meant to make things more streamlined. Make molehills out of mountains, you feel me?

This concept applies to more than just tangible messes. Take strategic time to declutter your mind by journaling or cleaning up excess apps on your phone. You’ll be amazed how light you can feel by managing the extra things in your life.

Limit Your Social Media Intake 

Of course, it seems like everyone is on social media. So what’s the harm in joining in? Well, social media updates find a way to creep in at the least opportune times. I mean, how often do you catch people walking outside on a beautiful day staring at their phones instead of soaking in the sunshine?

One of the best daily habits you can make is to avoid your phone during important times:

  • During focus time
  • When you’re in the presence of other people
  • While driving (duh! It’s against the law)
  • When you’re winding down for bed
  • As you’re just starting your day
  • If other exciting things are happening around you! (That includes being outdoors and walking in the sunshine!)

Social media can completely derail your good intentions for the day. Seeing what others are up to can leave you longing for more or feeling left out—instead of noticing the potential of your own surroundings. 

Even if you’re strong enough to withstand the “comparison game,” social media has a hypnotizing effect. You’re liable to get lost down the rabbit hole of social media when you should be flipping those pancakes on the stove!

Focus on your own life. Prioritize yourself first! Then, social media will become a limited pastime and not something that completely ruins your productivity or positive mindset for the day.

Create a Daily Gratitude Practice 

It’s so easy to go through each day and only notice the negative. “Man, this traffic is the worst! I wish the news channel had better stories to report. This weather forecast is really killing my mood. And my business partner was way too critical of my last project.”

There are good things about every single day. You just have to choose to notice and acknowledge them. 

For example, two of the best daily habits you can incorporate into your routine are starting and ending your day by giving thanks for the things that went well. Even if you wake up with a migraine and no clean clothes, be grateful for medicine and the “express” setting on your washing machine. 

Purposefully highlight the positive things, even with the thinnest lining of silver. It will do wonders for your mental health. Plus, positivity is contagious! The people around you are sure to notice and be influenced by your attitude of gratitude.

Take Your Time When Cooking and Eating 

Preparing and enjoying food is a valuable daily habit, but it’s easily overlooked. Try carving out time to appreciate what you’re putting into your body. 

Cooking your food at home is easier on your wallet (and your digestive system) than frequently dining out or grabbing prepared food on-the-go. If you want more energy to tackle the things on your plate (pun intended!), then intentionally shopping for, preparing, and enjoying your meals is the way to go.

If you’re accustomed to rushing through mealtimes, you have to teach yourself mindful meal habits. For instance, be sure to stay grounded and focused while you eat. Avoid distractions like your phone or background noise from the television or radio. 

Chew slowly and relish every bite. Think of those actors on the commercials who shut their eyes and throw their heads back in sheer ecstasy after placing a piece of chocolate in their mouths. Let that be you every time you eat!

Move Your Body Each Day 

Exercise is a must on the list of best daily habits. Trust me, I get the appeal of resting and relaxing whenever you can. The thought of exercise (changing into gym clothes, a post-sweat shower…the list goes on and on) can be totally exhausting. But exercising daily is a game-changer that makes all the extra effort worthwhile.

Last year I went for weeks with pain in my hip. I’d stretch, take Ibuprofen, and apply ice packs to take the edge off. The minute I was able to start moving my body intentionally again the pain completely disappeared. 

The key to making exercise and movement an effective and sustainable part of your daily routine is to choose a type that you truly enjoy:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Swimming
  • Practicing yoga
  • Trying martial arts
  • Lifting weights
  • Playing sports
  • Experimenting with different equipment
  • Taking any type of group class!

The second you stop enjoying a certain activity, allow yourself to mix things up and try something new. There’s no rule that says you can’t enjoy multiple types of exercise in pursuit of the best daily habits!

The most joyful people I know take part in all sorts of physical activities. It’s something nice they do for both their minds and their bodies.

Start Saying No

Becoming an intentional person means staying in the driver’s seat of your life! It’s okay to say “no” when you aren’t able to do something. Why should somebody else’s needs or desires be placed higher than your own? 

Prioritize the things you want for yourself. The best daily habits take precedent over last-minute invitations or commitments. 

And don’t feel bad when you turn someone down! Odds are they expected one of two answers (yes or no) when they asked you their question in the first place. So they won’t feel as let down as you’re anticipating!

Plus, the more you carve out space for your needs, the more accustomed those around you will become to respecting your boundaries and abilities. 

I was recently invited to attend an event held by a friend that I haven’t seen in months. The obvious reply might have been “yes,” as I truly want to show my support. But that weekend I realized I needed time for rejuvenation and so I RSVP’d a guilt-free “no.”

And you know what? My friend totally understood. Saying “no” didn’t hurt her nearly as much as saying “yes” might have further depleted by energy and spirit. By knowing and understanding my limits, I saved myself from doing something that my heart wasn’t in.

Related: How to Start Your Slow Living Journey: 12 Simple Steps You Can Take Now

Spend 15 Minutes Reading About Something New 

Learning is an investment in yourself you’ll never regret making. Incorporate some time to take in an informative read—it translates to self-love! You might even start to see yourself in a warmer light when you include reading into your best daily habits.

For example, fifteen minutes a day can open you up to foreign cultures, new concepts and ideas, or simply leave you feeling entertained! No matter your interests, there is reading material out there for you to enjoy.

Not only is reading a relaxing pastime, it does wonders for your mental health and ability to stay present. Reading for a short time every day can also add up to infinite knowledge.

While you don’t have to sign up for a quiz show or register for a new college degree with the knowledge you acquire, it certainly feels good to be able to strike up a conversation about the things you know. 

Say Daily Affirmations and Practice Positive Self-Talk 

Ritualistically telling yourself you’re awesome, smart, and worthwhile works wonders for the soul. Similarly, practicing self-forgiveness and patience teaches you not to sweat the small stuff and to keep trying, even when things are really challenging.

If leading an intentional life is something you’re truly serious about, showing yourself some love is a necessary part of your best daily habits. You can start with simple affirmations in the morning – make sure to write them down so you don’t forget them! Try to recall them throughout the day whenever you need a pick-me-up.

Speaking nicely about yourself (to yourself) becomes especially challenging during hard times. Just remain diligent with your affirmations during other parts of your day to help you remember what they are and how to use them when the going gets tough. 

The effects of this particular best daily habit trickle far beyond yourself! Members of your inner circle, particularly any children in your family, will benefit wildly from hearing you speak kindly to yourself. They’re likely to try it out for themselves!

Spend Time with People Who Build You Up

Just as you can influence and empower the people around you, the people around you can influence and empower you in return. But what if the people you surround yourself with are overwhelmingly negative? It might be necessary to spend less time with them in favor of a support system that’s more in line with your positive goals.

It’s normal to assimilate to the people around you, which is why it’s super important to put yourself in the right crowd when you’re in the midst of improving your life. Your environment is an extraordinary tool for growth.

Be as intentional with your inner circle as you are with the other components of your daily life, and don’t stop culling until you’re completely satisfied with the people you interact with regularly.

Take it from me! Living strategically—catering to your own needs for just a little while each day—is far easier and more fulfilling than letting others steer you through life. I used to think that my chance to lead a full and happy life would just come to me in time. Turns out, happiness and satisfaction only come to those who make space for them.

Living intentionally takes practice! But you can carve out more room for yourself and the things that are important to you by adopting these ten best daily habits into your life. In time, your world of stress and chaos will be nothing more than a tiring memory.

10 Best Daily Habits to Help You Start Living More Intentionally | The Slow Year

10 Best Daily Habits to Help You Start Living More Intentionally | The Slow Year